Here to help you Choose JOY No Matter What & Making Everyday an Overall Good Day
Hey 👋 I’m Kendal the girl behind the overalls :) I’m soooo glad you’re here!!! A little bit about me & my brand…
I'm just a California country girl who loves Jesus, family, traveling, and Overalls!
I picked up a camera for the first time when I was 16 years old in yearbook class in high school and fell in love with telling stories through this simple yet powerful art form. Back then, I had no idea how well my skills would transfer over into the world of social media.
Born and raised in Central California, I could ride a horse before I could walk, and when I'm not traveling, making content full time, you can catch me on my Horse Big Red, in Yosemite, or at the airport working on getting my private pilot's license.
As far as the overalls can choose to be joyful no matter what because unlike happiness Joy isn't dependent upon circumstances, other people, or feelings. Choosing to say the day is good even when things didn't go the way you hoped or even though you're feeling down in the dumps. No matter what, every day can be an OVERALL GOOD DAY because YOU MAKE IT SO.